Bundle Download - including the epic 2022 Cyberon Audio saga, following the rise and fall of their dangerous new Controller... As well as an exclusive BONUS NEW PDF Comic - Before The Storm!
Curse of the Cyberons - Audio Adventure (AIFF & MP3 files)
By Chris McAuley
Performed by Terry Molloy
In the depths of space, an ancient dark force of the past encounters evil forces of the future - the Cyberons!
Includes Script! Duration: 20 mins approx.
This story and more can be read in the Terraqueous Distributors 1988 Dr Who charity Annual.
The Weapon and The Warrior - Audio Adventure (AIFF & MP3 files)
By John Peel
Performed by Claudia Christian
With a powerful new cyborg leader, the Cyberon conquest continues. Seemingly unstoppable, can one weapon save humanity...
Includes Script! Duration: 18 mins approx.
Before The Storm - Comic Adaptation (PDF)
By Leopold Agnew
A brand new experimental prequel story comic featuring Lauren Anderson, Box, and the mighty Cyberon empire...
With thanks to: Jo Castleton.
BBV's Cyberon has attracted much interest from our followers and spawned different interpretations too. Whilst not all follow the original concepts we have for the Cyberons, BBV is delighted by the enthusiasm and passion behind these projects.